The brothers have different abilities: Ray can dual wield his pistols, throw explosives in the air, break down doors - essentially all things violent and destructive in nature while Thomas is an expert in a variety of weaponry. Ray is the brute and greedy brother while Thomas is the gold hearted but violent brother.

Ray and Thomas, the McCall Brothers, have transformed from honorable Confederate deserters to treasure hunters looking for a mythical treasure. Though nothing new is introduced, these themes provide a competitive narrative. The themes of honor, betrayal, greed, faith, and love are all tried and tested Western motifs that are evident in the game. The shootouts will definitely make you relive the Old Western experience just like our good old ancestors did. It is an intense, captivating, and graphically great 1st person shooter game that has focused on the action part of the game. Call of Juarez Bound in Blood is a prequel to 2007’s Call of Juarez, but what this game has delivered is nothing sorts of a prequel.